Wet Dog Smell Home Page
In case you were wondering, there are four people in our band. Jonathon Clinesmith is the lead singer, and he plays the backup guitar.( By backup guitar, we mean 'Our lead guitarist can't ever, ever get hurt, or we're hopeless. ) Hayden "Shaggy" Olson was the second person to join the band, back when they went by the name 68PlusOne. He plays the drums, and, guess what girls? He's single. And he's rich...Oh, by the way, make sure to check out the first Custom Page, its basically his own personal web page...
Bret Bowers is our bass player. He's really the only one that doesn't fit in with our image. You see, he can get chics, and the rest of us struggle in that area. ( By struggle, I mean we're hopeless. )
And the final member of our band, and also the newest member, is Joe Reed. He completes the 'fearsome four' with his mean guitar playing skills. He also loves country music and boy bands... just kidding. Joe is the "anti-hick" and he's as straight as an arrow...we hope.
The band left for college last week, but don't think that that means they won't do any more shows!!! Just Look on the good ol' website regularly , and we'll keep you up to date. Also, you hot young lassies, Hayden is now all alone. If there's anything us college guys would want in our departing wishes, it would be that one of you go out with him. Immediately. Preferably a model.
Wet Dog Smell places at the Youth America Talent Show...Yulpers, the band you know as Wet Dog Smell took second at the Youth America talent show, and let me tell you what, some of the other acts were AWESOME...And just so you know, we did NOT pay the judges money...but anyways, it was an awesome experience, and we all can't wait for next years competition...special thanks go out to Matt Fowler, our replacement drummer since ol' Hayden couldn't come to camp with us...just so you know, Matt wants to be our backup guitarrist for our band... please give us your imput...it may affect our decision. Or Matt might still be out of luck. Who knows...oh and, those of you still waiting for the NEW demo tape or a t-shirt, they still havn't been made, so too bad. Sorry.
Hey, we've got a message for the world. Go out and give everybody a hug. Cuz hugs rule. Do you need a hug? Cuz we'd gladly come and give you one. Like we said, most of the band has trouble getting chics...
Hey, mail us. We need friends. |
Please continue to support our fine band. I'll give you a dollar.