Stuff.....and, uh, we also got....Stuff...
Neat "Stuff"
Wetdogsmell is the greatest band to ever go by the name "Wet Dog Smell". This is Hayden coming at you. First off I want to say I love Lora Patrick. Okay, so we got some t-shirts coming if anybody wants one just e-mail ol'jonny c for one. Well just so you know on a couple songs I play the 5 gallon bucket so it has an urban kinda sound.
When the wival wivals in the wind the wind will wind wival back oh nice and chubby baby.
I'm the cute chef boy.
Since this is kind of my page (hayden) I feel a need to tell a little about myself. I'm a christian and I've been playing the drums for six years. I do well in school even with the degree of apathy I have. I've never had a girlfriend and probably never will until I get enough gumption to ask 'ol Lora P. but, ya know. I work in a screen printing shop where I put the color on t-shirts. I would not recomend this as a job to any one simply because it is the american version of the sweatshop. So far in life I have very extreme goals. Which means they are extremities of each other. I want to be in a band and that be my profession. I want to go to college and get a doctorate in physics or just be a pizza delivery boy. I'm 16 but look 24 so thats anybody's guess there. I also love to cook. And now a little poem. roses are red violets are blue
some poems rhyme
some don't.
I love classic rock and some main stream stuff but, mostly deep purple and the doors type stuff. I dig classical and jazz pretty much anything but country and rap. 5'6" 170 smelly and I love it.
NEW SONG NEW SONG!! I (hayden) wrote a song about the afore metioned Lora Patrick. Hey if anybody wants to talk to the band you can contact jonny on icq its fuzzylovebunnydude bret is snarf and joe is konk and of course i don't have the internet 'cause I'm technologically impaired.