Why Wet Dog Smell ?
The Reasons Behind Our Brilliance...
Our band had forever been known as 68PlusOne. Until that day...Our band had been searching for a new name, so as to clean up our image. Many names had been offered, like "Flu Shot", "Notasgoodasnirvana",and the coveted "A Guy With A Guitar And His Drummer". The answer to our question vexed us for many a week. Until that day...Football practice had been especially rough the day before. Drill after drill after drill had managed to drench Hayden with sweat. Little did we know that that would be what catapulted our band to the bigtime...As we began our workout the next day, it became apparent that Hayden had forgotten his gym shirt...thus, he was forced to use his football shirt...needless to say, he stank. But it was a sweet, sweet stink like no other. Eventually, his workout partners (Bret and Jonathon) began to make fun of his horrid stench...and then it was said...nobody is quite sure who, but it was said. "Man, you smell like a wet dog." And then Jonathon had it...Wet Dog Smell...surely nobody else that had any sort of respect for themselves would name themselves that...
We set out on a campaign that very day to spread the news of Wet Dog Smells coming. Some people were skeptical and didn't believe we had an actual band. But we continued, no amount of discouragement would slow us down from making our name known from Cordell to Guymon. As our press grew we came under pressures of songs and recordings,enter Bret Bowers. He was just what we needed... an acomplished musician to assure our fans that we were headed in the right direction. We had bass,drums, and vocals, but poor Jonny really, really sucked at playing guitar. This stopped us from playing, but not from writing songs. We were pouring out songs one after the other and they were good. Then one day while me ( Hayden )and Jonny C were eating our friend Joe came and sat down along side us. Now, we knew of Joes talent, but it hit us like a ton of bricks when he asked to join Wet Dog Smell... We had the missing link! Now, with everything in place for a complete band, the stage was set for our first show: the Turpin Variety Show. Although Joe and Hayden missed the show, Bret and Jonathon managed to bring down the house along with talented replacements Justin Roberts and Chris Cokely, who play in the band Coma. Now our droves of fans knew that Wet Dog Smell was for real. A few weeks later, the first Wet Dog Smell demo tape had been recorded, and a mainstay was added to the extensive arsenal of Wet Dog Smell instruments: the five gallon bucket... Who knows what's next for the "fearsome four" that constitute Wet Dog Smell? They may have just hit it big...what with Hayden printing their official T-shirts, and the fans demands finally being met for a new demo tape. Now if they only had a few more shows...